klik here..surprise!!!!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

tips and tricks which will visually change your eye shape.

                 change eye shape

There are various ways to line your eyes but you should be aware of what you want to achieve before applying the liner. For that reason, it’s a good idea to simply try all of these and see how they work on your face.
So, are you ready? The good news is you can stay at home trying on and taking off the makeup without necessarily embarrassing yourself in front of anyone.


                                       1457734_693253764048541_1245011741_n (1)

Check out the colors on that cake! It’s a super easy way to make a fun cake. Make the biscuit layer like you would for a cheese cake and separate six bowls with white cake mix. Get a few different colors of gel coloring and mix well, using a separate spoon for each bowl. Pour the colors in one after the other and you’re bound to get that delicious multicolored cake!

Thursday, 26 December 2013




frust dengan keadaan ekonomi malaysia????

frust dengan keadaan ekonomi sekarang??? jangan risau saya sedia alternatif untuk anda..

saya tak mo cakap apa apa...tengok gambar hah lu pikirlah sendiri pak menteri oiii ...next time nak bagi alasan pon bagilah alasan yang educated sikit..

happy birthday maszie


saya dengan ini ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada maszie
heheh dah tua yekk... takpe takpe masih vogue gojes gituuu

ni adalah gambar sekitar sambutan hari jadi maszie

nilah datin maszie kite...selaku besday girgurl

senyum sokmo  

kite selaku tukang makan hehe bersama anak-anak pn maszie 

datolie pun turut hadir menjayakan makan malam besday girgurl 

menu utama ada ayam chicky dance chop

ni pinggan kiter yerr... pinggan pop meroyan (pop marian)  tuuu

pizza huuuttt

papaya kiwi bery (mouth watering) yewww

mini pavlova (kite wat based die, deco buah en. ipan)

inilah tiramisu cracker layer leleh dan merrry layer leleh
this is the first time taste food before we decided to launching by early 2014...soo exciting..

origin recipe by maszie
congrat my lovely sister..well done ...amazing and really delicious..tasty habisss

we are really happy and enjoy the food..
but lagi best if our lovely mummy bonda zaleha , abah and all my sibling celebrated together

ok..gudnite everybody

Saturday, 29 June 2013

recycle thing for accessories display


...kemas dan nampak unik

 untuk yang suke sanggul tapi inginkan element gaya dandan atau jalin...boleh tiru yang ini.

untuk yang suke gaya romantik..yang ini amat sesuai

  simple sweet tapi ada sentuhan ribbon.. 

   yang ini untuk inspirasi si pengantin...ada byk bunga, romantik dan angle macam tuu.. 


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

bila waktu kan berakhir

Wahai tuhan jauh sudah lelah kaki melangkah...aku hilang tanpa arah ..rindu hati sinarmu..wahai tuhan hapuskan lah ..terangilah jiwa hitamku..ampunkan lah aku..terimalah taubatku...sesungguhnya engkau sang maha pengampun dosa..
ya rabbi izinkanlah aku kembali padamu..mesti mungkin takkan sempurna aku sebagai hambamu.. ampunkanlah aku ..terimalah taubatku..berikanlah aku kesempatan waktu..aku ingin kembali ..dan kembali...dan meski tak layak..dan sungguh tak layak aku.Tangis dan tawa nyanyian yang mengiring
Hati yang rindukan cinta dijalan-Mu. Andai bisa ku mengulang. waktu hilang dan terbuang. Andai bisa perbaiki segala yang terjadi
Tapi waktu tak berhenti. Tapi detik tak kembali. Harap ampunkan hamba-Mu ini
Malam kan berakhir, hari kan berganti. Takdir hidup kan ku jalani.
Waktu berputar rebulan dan matahari. Bunga yang mekar akan layu akan mati
Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan..setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati.
Langit bumi jadi saksi setiap detik yang berlalu
Hitam putih gelap terang di alam dunia
Semua wajah kan diuji dengan sesuatu yang dicintai
Harta benda dan segalanya semua kan binasa
Tinggallah namaku tinggalkan cintaku
Tinggalkan segala yang kupunya di atas dunia
Hanyalah diriku hanyalah amalku
Hanyalah sepiku menemani kesunyian di alam kuburku
Tiada bisa manusia mengulur sang waktu
Bila tiba masa datang maut menjemputku
Semua yang di mata semua yang dicinta
Semua yang dibangga akan hilang akan sirnanya
Tiada duka yang abadi didunia. Tiada sepi merantaiku selamanya
Namun ku percaya hati meyakini. Semua akan indah pada akhirnya. 



alhamdulillah rezki itu datang dari allah..

bersyukur mampu menjadikan kita hidup bahagia


Ibu bergenang airmataku
Terbayang wajahmu yang redup sayu
Kudusnya kasih yang engkau hamparkan
Bagaikan laut yang tak bertepian
Biarpun kepahitan telah engkau rasakan
Tidak pun kau merasa jemu
Mengasuh dan mendidik anakmu ini
Dari kecil hingga dewasa
Hidupmu kau korbankan
Biarpun dirimu penat
Tak dapat ku balasi
Akan semua ini
Semoga Tuhan memberkati kehidupanmu ibu
Ibu kau ampunilah dosaku
Andainya pernah menghiris hatimu
Restumu yang amat aku harapkan
Kerana di situ letak syurgaku
Tabahnya melayani diriku anakmu
Mengajarku erti kesabaran
Kau bagai pelita di kala aku kegelapan
Menyuluh jalan kehidupan
Kasih sayangmu sungguh bernilai
Itulah harta yang kau berikan
Kasihanilah Tuhan
Ibu yang telah melahirkan diriku
Bagaikan kasih ibu sewaktu kecilku
Moga bahagia ibu di dunia dan di akhirat nanti

                                                                              ell amour

Saturday, 15 June 2013


drooling with the prizes. Bigger prizes to be won.

join now.. don't be late... aku dah ..kau dah??? you too can dream big. do also bigger lolll..
like me oooo biar mimpi sampai ke bintang. 

Having 15 WWWOW Categories. 
but each participant is allowed a maximum 5 entries only
for more details, terms and conditions regarding this contest you can  visit

Every category will be open to public voting, with the exception of the Astro Best of the Best which will be chosen from the winner of the other 13 catogories, by a panel of judges. The People'S Choice Award is presented to the entry that achieves the highest number of votes across all categories.

ell amour join this category 

submit your entry..good luck 
p/s : dont forget to voting me.. 

Friday, 14 June 2013


Today i feel badly, then i reliaze that i miss my mum so much deeply. This feeling encourage me to write entry about my lovely mother (Bonda Zaleha), she is my lover forever. 
Mum, it’s hard to find the words to say how much you mean to me.
“Mother” is such a simple word. But to me there’s meaning seldom heard,
For everything I am today. My mothers love 
showed me the way.
Nobody’s equal to you, mum. With you in my life, I'm blessed,

her smile is really amazing

she is adorable mum in this world

thank you so much mum for everything

I love you so, and I want you to know. I think you’re the very best.

Words cannot say how I love you, mum,

And just how much I owe,

Please know that I’ll always be there for you too,
in the high times and low

this video i dedicated to you mum.. i knoe u read my blog.. hehehe..

this is my favourite dessert..Pudding Raja...cooked by my lovely mum. (i knoe that pic not related with the entry...but i don't care)
so sweet.. sweet liked me. hehehe

Thursday, 13 June 2013

CongratulationS You Did It Semanis Chinta

Thank You for Assistance Semanis Chinta
Thank you for the time you spent helping me prepare for my blogspot. I realize you are busy and I truly appreciate the time you took to help me out. I will never forget it.

Actually i would liked to 
CongratulationS to Semanis Chinta http://tintanashaq.blogspot.com
coz already achieve 1000 viewers in the short period.

Congratulation Wan Wawan and Sue

Firstable, I would liked to say thank you to Wan Wawan and Sue for inviting me to their wedding ceremony on 23 June 2013. Insyallah I will coming. My friend from Pahang came to Shah Alam last night. We hangout together, chit chat and eat great food.. We decided to having dinner at Pecal Lele Lela Restaurant Seksyen 13 Shah Alam. So overall what can i said is the food taste good and affordable. The Special about this restaurant is this place suitable for event like birthdays celebration and free food set for person name Lela..

so check out...our picture zasssssss..

GReen theme

Lele Oriental in Menu

Daging Empal

 Sue and Wan Wawan craving ayam terpenyek, ayam lenyek?? 


amoi pose again.

with dato lie.
he is also new blogger ,feel free please visit

fun dinner

actually amoi really cant waiting to eat...

hope you all will be a good husband and wife.
god bless you my friend

haha...makan time

this is my Lele Oriental.,I give 5 star , you should try.
 And thank you for treating us to such a delicious dinner. I look forward to getting together with you for dinner soon, my treat.

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